4 ways public relations helps your business grow

When we initially meet with a potential client, they are usually seeking help attracting new customers and growing their business. In other cases, they are looking to position themselves as a leader and expert in their field. Whatever the goal, public relations is an effective tool in the marketing mix to achieve both growth and credibility. In this blog, I’d want to clarify what PR really is, how it works and share 5 ways public relations helps your business grow.

What the heck is public relations anyway

We are inundated by media and information 24/7. Thanks to our smartphones, we have news at our fingertips. And thanks to social media anyone at any time can share anything from breaking news to the best new restaurant. I often explain that public relations is any communication a company or business puts out that touches the public. At the heart of it, public relations is strategic communications and messaging that helps build or enhance your image and tell your story. As PR professionals we work with the media, utilize social media, create content and write copy that helps define brands and generates positive publicity. We are storytellers.

How does PR work

We build relationships with the media, create and send out press announcements and targeted pitches to secure positive media coverage for our clients. We utilize and manage social media to connect with our clients’ target market (and journalists that may cover them) to create awareness and attract engagement. We create content through blogs, digital stories, posts and web copy that tell the brand story. We seek out speaking opportunities and award that will get our clients noticed…and secure more positive media coverage.

When the public reads an article where a company is profiled, listens to a podcast or radio show where a business leader is interviewed or sees a post on social media featuring an upcoming event or photo of a new dish on the menu – it sinks in more and provides credibility.

Can PR help your business? 

The simple answer is, yes. A proactive PR strategy is an effective tool for promoting your business to the public and reaching new customers. Positive media coverage or earned media is unpaid placement and as a result, the audience tends to trust it more. 

If you own your own business or you are managing a company and looking at ways to attract more customers, clients, and partnerships or secure your position as a leader, public relations is a good way to go.  

Here are four ways public relations can help your business grow:

1. Hearing about it from someone else expands your reach

When you are interviewed, quoted and/or featured on TV, radio, in a magazine, newspaper or online article, people not only remember it, they talk about it with their friends, they share it online and forward the links to friends. Publicity is no longer just seen once, news stories are shared, which increases the opportunity for the public to learn what you are doing, saying, selling.

2. Connects with your audience

When you develop social media content, think about who you are trying to attract and what is going to interest them. If you have a software company, consider sharing information for tips for users or how-to videos. If you have a retail store or restaurant, showcase your products, highlight promotions and collaborate with local businesses and influencers. This helps to reach new customers and involves existing customers in the conversation.

3. Attracts investors and partnerships

Media coverage generates attention that can not only attract new customers but can also attract investors. If you are looking to grow your business and you need capital, PR can be an effective tool for securing funding and setting your company apart for others in the market.

4. Engages the community, invites new customers and clients

Both digital and traditional media coverage can be effective tools to help leverage your company engagement with the broader community. For example, if you are hosting a fundraising event or educational webinar PR is an ideal way to get the word out to get people to attend. It also lets those that can’t attend know more about who you are as an organization. People like to purchase goods and services from companies that are involved in and care about their community.

If you are looking to grow your business and stand out from the crowd, it may be time to think about adding PR to your marketing strategy. If you want to know more about how we can help make that happen, shoot us an email or give us a call.