Our favorite marketing podcasts that help us stay up to date on key trends

Did you know that there are more than 700,000 active podcast and more than 29 million podcast episodes? The five most popular podcasting genres include:

  1. Society and culture
  2. Business
  3. Comedy
  4. News and politics
  5. Health

In the wave of new media outlets, podcasts have become a hot medium for us PR pros to pitch. By the same token they have become a great resource for us to learn from too.

In full disclosure, I hopped on the podcast movement and inspired my colleagues to become more active listeners, particularly to marketing and storytelling podcasts. It’s a great resource for professional development, and a good way to learn more about our industry peers, how they are creating niches in our field,and generating results.

In this blog, I’ve put together a list of our current favorite marketing podcasts to listen to and learn from.

The Agents of Change with Rich Brooks

I first learned about Rich Brooks at the 2019 Social Media Marketing World Conference in San Diego. Brooks hosted a seminar on digital marketing and creating the “perfect” plan. He didn’t overly plug his podcast, but he said enough to make me want to listen more. His weekly podcast, The Agents of Change invites industry experts to talk on the topics of SEO, social media and mobile marketing. I particularly enjoyed his episode with Michaela Alexis on What’s New with LinkedIn. I have seen LinkedIn evolve over the years and it’s interesting to learn about its current developments in the social media landscape. It’s still a professional networking tool but it has become more “social” and like Instagram and Facebook, video is its next BIG thing!

Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner

Mr. Social Media Examiner, aka Michael Stelzner shares success stories and interviews some of the industry’s leading social media and marketing pros. Like his website, the podcast provides actionable tips and tricks to help improve your efforts. The podcast airs weekly and the episodes run for 30-45 minutes long.

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Amy’s podcast covers a plethora of topics from copywriting methods to boost conversions, to prioritizing workload in a demanding industry, and how to grow your business. Her guest list is impressive, while her own branding is inspirational and a great example of someone who “gets it!” Plus, as an all-female team at marketingworx, it’s only right that we champion fellow female pros in our industry!

RISE podcast with Rachel Hollis

Most famous for her self-help book: Girl, Wash your Face, Rachel Hollis is a content creator, speaker and business woman. While her podcast is not marketing specific per se, the topics Hollis covers are fantastic for learning how to grow an audience. Her episode on July 29, Stop Procrastinating! delves a little heavier on the topic of marketing and finding new clients.

If you’re looking for podcasts to learn more about the industry, or further deepen your knowledge as a marketing pro, add these to your queue. No more excuses of not enough time. You can listen to an episode once a day or once a week during your daily commute. Pop in your earbuds while answering your morning emails or going on a walk with the dog. Utilizing your time to learn more about your industry is invaluable. It will not only enhance the way you think, it can provide you with tools that offer value to your clients too!