Repurposing Social Media Content

In today’s digital world, social media has become an integral part of communications and an undeniable tool for in the marketing mix. It offers a powerful platform that enables individuals to connect with others, share ideas, and to promote business. The challenge for many companies and businesses is the need to consistently create and publish fresh content. To best combat that challenge, we recommend repurposing existing content and learning how to present it in new ways. This blog will explore practical tips for repurposing social media content to save time and achieve better results.

Understanding content potential

Before beginning a deep dive into how to repurpose social media content, take time to analyze the existing content your business has previously shared. As you conduct a review, it is best to identify evergreen topics or posts (evergreen content is relevant at most any time and offers a longer shelf-life). It is also valuable to take note of the most popular posts and the type of content that performed well; understand what is resonating most with your audience and generating engagement. Taking these steps first, will help when you go to build a plan for repurposing content and expanding your reach on social media

Transforming text into visuals

Convert text-based content such as blogs into visually appealing graphics, images, or infographics. Blog posts contain valuable information that can also be easily transformed into an engaging video. Tools such as Canva or Adobe Spark allow users to create eye-catching visuals using existing content. And both graphics and video make great shareable content on social media. Visual content – especially video – tends to be more engaging, which attracts a broader audience and increases reach and impressions.

Creating bite-sized snippets

Break down longer blog posts or videos into shorter snippets suitable for social media content. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn content all do better with a good quality visual coupled with a readable caption that resonates with the target audience. Extract key quotes, statistics, or insights from your content and present them in a visually appealing, branded graphic. Adding an engaging caption or a thought-provoking question can also encourage more interaction.

Repackaging video

Video is incredibly popular on social media platforms and tends to perform better than static image posts. If you have one to 5 minute videos, these can be edited into shorter clips or teasers of the full video. Think about leaving viewers wanting more and give them an option to click through. You can share video on all social media platforms and video content tends to get increased reach via Instagram and Facebook stories and posts and TikTok. It is also usable on  Twitter and LinkedIn and generates strong results. Video can also be packaged with a blog or article to provide an option of visuals and audio to those that still want to read information.

Host Q&A sessions

Utilize discussions or comments for social media to creating Q&A content. Collect frequently asked questions and select the most interesting or common ones. Take the questions and answer them in a live video session to share on Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or YouTube Live or provide the answers through a series of Instagram stories. For more static content, repurpose commonly asked questions and provide answers in a graphic that is shareable on social media. Repurposing information customers want to know, provides customer service, cultivates engagement and helps build a sense of community.

Convert blog posts into social media series

If you have written comprehensive blog posts or articles, convert them into a series of posts for social media. LinkedIn and Facebook are good places to share with a teaser caption and link to the full blog. Summarize the main points into shorter posts, offer valuable insights and invite followers to check out the full article on your website. This strategy helps drive more traffic to the website and encourages social media followers to explore your content in-depth.

Repurpose user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) can be an extremely valuable resource for repurposing. UGC can come in many forms ranging from images to videos to reviews and customer testimonials. Sharing this content on your social platforms is a great tool for attracting a wider audience. Consider creating visually appealing graphics or videos featuring UGC that highlights the positive experiences of your customers and followers.. This not only saves time but also showcases the endorsements and positive experiences from others, which develops trust and credibility for your brand.

Repurposing content for social media is effective strategy to increase the volume of content being shared, it also builds more consistency across all mediums and helps maximize reach. It can also help save time spent developing ideas and provide more opportunities for engagement with your audience. Understanding the potential for creating content and transforming it into graphic, text and video that is presented in more digestible visuals and bite-sized snippets, allows you to breathe new life into existing materials and information

Consider the opportunities for using social media and the power of repurposing content to unlock the potential of your social media presence. If you need assistance putting together a plan or managing the overall strategy and implementation, let’s schedule a time to talk.