Why is Instagram hiding likes on your page?

It’s tough to imagine scrolling through an Instagram feed without seeing likes on a post, but that is a move Instagram is considering. The company recently announced it is testing a new feature that will hide the number of likes and views posts receive. It appears to be a goodwill effort to shift users’ focus away from how many followers and likes they are getting and encouraging them to focus more on the photos and videos being shared. If this feature becomes universal and Instagram hiding likes on posts is a new reality, we have to ask what it means for businesses seeking engagement and reach and how success on campaigns will be measured.

Change is good, sometimes

The proposed change is designed to minimize the stress some users experience from posting online. We know that users can be fixated on the number of likes they receive (ask almost any teenage girl). In truth, I am guilty of this behavior or used to be. In college, if my post didn’t get as many likes as I hoped, I deleted the photo off my grid.  It is this kind of thinking and reaction that Instagram is trying to address – removing the feeling of competition and pressure Insta users feel.

How will it work?

The Facebook-owned site will display the user posts as it normally would, but people scrolling through the feed will no longer see the number of likes listed under posts. Account owners will still be able to check the number of likes on their own photos and videos by clicking through a prompt. So, while the data won’t be visible to the Insta community, users will still see how their followers are reacting to their shares.

What will a like-free Instagram mean for businesses and influencers?

The big question for businesses and influencers is how will it impact what we post and measure engagement? As PR and marketing experts that look at consumer behavior and consider the audience we are trying to reach on behalf of our clients, we are seeing less focus on posts to the grid and more focus on Instagram stories. Interestingly, stories don’t have public metrics, and it hasn’t stopped this feature from exploding.

With the like counts hidden, we expect consumers to be more interested in and focused on content. Quality photos, video, and compelling captions will continue to engage users and stories will continue to be a valuable tool for sharing more frequent updates and behind the scenes looks at what you do and how you do it.

Why vanity metrics are a thing of the past

Businesses (and individuals) often think the main goal is to grow the number of Instagram followers – falling victim to “the one with the most likes wins” thinking. What’s most important is that you are attracting the right audience and that they are engaging with the content. The focus is on quality rather than quantity.

At a workshop at this year’s Social Media Marketing World conference, presented by Instagram Qween, Tyler McCall, he shared the three biggest mistakes companies are making:

  1. Sharing without intention
  2. Making it perfect but not valuable
  3. Not using stories to tell a story

Remember, Instagram is a storytelling platform and it is through stories that we create a connection.

Currently, it is unclear if Instagram will officially roll out this new feature. But we will be watching closely to see what adjustments our clients may need to make to maximize results. If you’re not sure what to post on Instagram or just don’t have enough time in the day to manage your account – let’s chat and come up with a strategy!