Why social media isn’t enough

We hear it all the time. A potential client calls saying they need help with social media so they can grow their business. Don’t get me wrong, we love getting these calls and referrals and we welcome new business but building a social media presence alone is rarely enough to build a business.

The marketing mix

After the initial conversation takes place, our next step is to learn about the business and those behind it to try and determine what it is they really need. Launching a social media campaign may be a good idea and necessary, but social media platforms need to connect to something more. The overall need for any business is an integrated marketing campaign that will promote the brand/products/services/business. The question is, then, “What should that include?”

Putting together a marketing plan begins with doing research and asking questions. If it is an existing business, we start by looking at the company’s online presence. Do they have a website? Is the message clear? What is the call to action? Who are they trying to reach? What do they currently do to market their business? What’s working, what isn’t? If we are talking with a start-up or fairly new organization, we may ask some of these same questions. In some cases, we may ask many of the same questions, along with establishing a clear definition of who they are as a company and the target market.

Social media can be a powerful marketing tool that allows businesses to share the message, expand the reach and connect with potential customers, but it does not work alone. It is also important to understand that when you establish a presence on any social media network, you can’t expect immediate results. To develop and help maximize results, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Establish goals and objectives
  2. Begin with an overall marketing plan and strategy to support those goals
  3. Define the brand and message
  4. Maintain consistency with the brand and messaging across all platforms
  5. Look for opportunities to connect with your target market –  sponsorships, ads, events
  6. Build a database and use it
  7. Utilize public relations
  8. Determine other outlets to promote your product or service – then share it on social media
  9. Measure results
  10. Review and fine tune

Social media gives companies the ability to leverage their marketing and public relations efforts – to engage with customers authentically and expand reach. It is not enough to build it and hope people will come. In order to be effective, it takes time, persistence, consistency and strategic thinking. Working together and supporting marketing efforts will increase the chances of success.