5 Things I learned from my marketing internship

If you’re thinking about getting a marketing internship, do it. Before I began my marketingworx internship, I was pretty inexperienced in the world of marketing and public relations and unsure of what to expect. Now, as my internship comes to a close, I thought I’d take time to reflect on a few of the many …
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7 ways to grow your Instagram following: a strategic plan

The social media world is rapidly changing, and so should your online Instagram strategy. In September 2018, Instagram hit one billion monthly users. Of these users, studies showed: This data indicates a huge opportunity for companies—both large and small—to grow their brands, discover new audiences and convert more followers into customers by increasing their Instagram …
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Why you need PR for a business event

If you throw a great party or grand opening for your business or organization and no one hears about it, is it really great? That’s why you need PR. Public relations (PR) is a vital part of any successful event strategy.  Whether you are opening the doors to a new restaurant or retail store, hosting …
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Social Media Marketing World 2019: Top Takeaways

Last month I had the opportunity to attend Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. This is a unique conference spearheaded by Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner (chances are you’re probably subscribed to his emails and if you’re not, well you’re missing out). The conference delivers rich sessions and workshops on all things …
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Why Content Isn’t Enough

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” We have all heard this expression and pondered if something can exist without being perceived. Consider this philosophy with the creation of content: Creating content and putting it out into the void is not enough. With more content …
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Why social media isn’t enough

We hear it all the time. A potential client calls saying they need help with social media so they can grow their business. Don’t get me wrong, we love getting these calls and referrals and we welcome new business but building a social media presence alone is rarely enough to build a business. The marketing …
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