Video content marketing: why it should be apart of your strategy

Consumers love visuals. The ability to put a “face” to the name of a product is what makes consumers remember a business and differentiate it from others. Incorporating video content marketing into your business’ strategy allows companies to showcase a different side of their products and services that potential customers can’t see elsewhere. Video brings personality to any subject with its audible and visual components, allowing the viewer to establish a deeper connection.

When adding video as a component of your services and/or promotional efforts, think about things from a consumer’s point of view. Identify what makes your business or product unique and make sure to draw attention to those appealing qualities and benefits in your video marketing outreach. 

Let your customers tell the story 

A meaningful and strategic video is one that is able to communicate the message and purpose of the business without directly saying it in so many words. One of the best ways to genuinely convey your business’ messaging is through customer testimonials. Let the story of the business be told by a satisfied customer who can explain what your business or product has done for them on camera. 

On-camera testimonials resonate with the audience better than testimonials embedded in text on a website or other social media platforms. When the viewer gets to see and hear a satisfied customer’s story on video, it gives your brand more credibility, especially in the age of keyboard warriors and the questionable authenticity of the online written review. Again, it’s all about being able to put a “face” to a name! 

It’s all about timing 

Viewers today want quick, snappy and to the point video content; it’s the key to keeping your audience engaged for the entirety of the video. If you’re producing information heavy video content that requires more time and focus from viewers, you’re at a high risk of losing audience engagement. Presenting a brief overview of a subject is best practice to ensure that your audience is listening. Ideally, your video content should be one to three minutes long. Long form video doesn’t perform well due to the birth of social media and our ever-decreasing attention spans. 

Keep it simple!

Simplify your content so that it’s extremely easy for your viewer to digest; regardless of subject matter or industry. Think of your video as a simple summary of your business, not too many details. It’s important to use language that consumers are familiar with. Remember, they aren’t experts in your field, so it is important to speak in terms that your audience will clearly understand.

Unique content

Create a memorable message that offers appealing visuals. During the discovery and brainstorming process for your video, make sure to ask the team,  “How we can utilize video to set ourselves apart from other brands or competitors?” Don’t be afraid to get creative – as long as it’s appropriate. Unique content is memorable content!

If your company is in need of help with content strategy and you want to learn more about utilizing video to share your message and tell your story, contact us.