our blog

LinkedIn vs Facebook: Which one do you use?

The array of social media channels available today can paralyze even the savviest business owners. So, where do you start? Which one is the best for your business? And how do you avoid wasting time on channels that won’t connect you with potential customers? The struggle is real. It doesn’t take a social media expert …
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4 ways public relations helps your business grow

When we initially meet with a potential client, they are usually seeking help attracting new customers and growing their business. In other cases, they are looking to position themselves as a leader and expert in their field. Whatever the goal, public relations is an effective tool in the marketing mix to achieve both growth and …
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Why is Instagram hiding likes on your page?

It’s tough to imagine scrolling through an Instagram feed without seeing likes on a post, but that is a move Instagram is considering. The company recently announced it is testing a new feature that will hide the number of likes and views posts receive. It appears to be a goodwill effort to shift users’ focus …
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Pitch Perfect: Tips for executing your story

“Pitching is simply learning how words relate to people…” says Ed Zitron, author of “This Is How You Pitch.” As a PR pro it is our job to utilize language and paint a picture that attracts the attention of journalists and explains why it is important a story is told. According to PR Pro, Michael Smart, …
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5 Things I learned from my marketing internship

If you’re thinking about getting a marketing internship, do it. Before I began my marketingworx internship, I was pretty inexperienced in the world of marketing and public relations and unsure of what to expect. Now, as my internship comes to a close, I thought I’d take time to reflect on a few of the many …
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7 ways to grow your Instagram following: a strategic plan

The social media world is rapidly changing, and so should your online Instagram strategy. In September 2018, Instagram hit one billion monthly users. Of these users, studies showed: This data indicates a huge opportunity for companies—both large and small—to grow their brands, discover new audiences and convert more followers into customers by increasing their Instagram …
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