our blog

3 Reasons to integrate video into your marketing strategy

Content marketing has undergone a major shift with the rise of Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram reels, stories, YouTube and Facebook Live. As social media platforms have expanded and added tools, we’ve seen communications via video increase significantly. Consumers are more likely to engage with video; it attracts attention, provides an element of entertainment and it’s an …
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Why social media advertising should be part of your marketing strategy

Creating a Facebook and Instagram page, maintaining a Twitter account, utilizing Yelp and engaging with your followers are all effective tools to market business. If you have active profiles that you are posting content to regularly and engaging with followers, why should you consider paid social media advertising? While advertising comes with a price tag, …
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Language of 2020 inspires marketing messaging update for 2021

Merriam-Webster annually announces the word of the year, along with other new additions to our everyday language. In November as logophiles (aka word nerds) awaited the new list, it was no surprise to learn that the 2020 word of the year was “pandemic”. As our world changed in 2020, conversations incorporated our “new normal”, introducing …
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Video content marketing: why it should be apart of your strategy

Consumers love visuals. The ability to put a “face” to the name of a product is what makes consumers remember a business and differentiate it from others. Incorporating video content marketing into your business’ strategy allows companies to showcase a different side of their products and services that potential customers can’t see elsewhere. Video brings …
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Why and when should a company rebrand?

We recently wrote a blog about why branding is more important than ever. This prompts a follow-up for companies that already have established brands. Why and when should a company rebrand? It’s all in the name In 2014, The University of Arizona went through a complete rebrand, introducing a new mark, website, mobile app and …
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