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5 Reasons Businesses Should be Using Influencer Marketing

Asking a trusted friend, neighbor or coworker for recommendations and referrals is often the number one source for any business to gain a new customer or client. While this still remains true, our ability to learn more and share more through social media is expanding that referral reach and giving potential customers more sources for …
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7 Reasons Companies Should be on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is best known as a professional networking and job-hunting site, but it doesn’t just benefit individual users. In the era of social media, LinkedIn offers a unique value proposition, making it more important, in some cases, than other social media platforms – especially for companies in the B2B sector. While Facebook, Instagram and TikTok …
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Four Reasons Businesses Should Use TikTok

TikTok shot to fame in early 2020 as a platform for Gen Z to participate in dance challenges and lip-syncing videos. Since then, the app has expanded to every kind of content and community with more than 700 million active users on a daily basis. It’s now the No. 1 downloaded app in more than …
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Repurposing Social Media Content

In today’s digital world, social media has become an integral part of communications and an undeniable tool for in the marketing mix. It offers a powerful platform that enables individuals to connect with others, share ideas, and to promote business. The challenge for many companies and businesses is the need to consistently create and publish …
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The Lowdown on #Hashtags

What exactly is a hashtag and why should we care? If you’ve been living under a rock and have no idea, a hashtag is a word, a combination of words, or a phrase that is preceded by the “#” symbol. The main reason we care is because #Hashtags are used across social media networks to …
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5 Ways Social Media Can Boost Your Brand

Social media is generating quite a lot of controversy. It’s a powerful communication tool, and when used for good, it can have a positive impact on your business. As a marketing tool, social media is all largely about branding – sharing who you are and what you do. When utilized strategically and thoughtfully, social media …
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5 Elements of a Good PR Pitch

The success of a pitch is in the power of the hands typing the pitch itself. You might have a unique and timely topic or story angle that is a great fit for a specific news outlet, but if you don’t write a compelling pitch, the likelihood of it getting picked up or even keeping …
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